"I know of no one who has overstated the terror of Hell... We are meant to tremble and feel dread. We are not meant to recoil from the reality. Not by denying it, but by fleeing from it into the arms of Jesus, who died to save us from it." - John Piper.
Why red52? Because every day, thousands of people die and will spend an eternity APART from God, in hell. And NOW is the only time we have to impact people's eternal destinies. Red 52 can't just be a "nice" thing to do. Red 52 has to be something we LIVE - every day. You might get sick of hearing about it - but we don't care. We are always going to be talking red 52, living red 52, and pumping you for it. Telling your friends about your faith may not be the most comfortable thing to do - i think we can all agree on that, but as a Christian - as a follower of Christ - its really not optional. If you truly say that you are saved and love God - you cant help but share it with others. Will you take on the red 52 challenge?
Why Red 52?