The Bible tells us that life is short in comparison to eternity. Take a quiet moment and think about the concept of eternity. It’s life never-ending…. never. It’s a strange concept from our human viewpoint. We are used to everything having a beginning and an end. Never-ending makes us all wonder what we will do in a never-ending situation. Perhaps we will get bored. Perhaps its perpetual torment. Perhaps we simply sit on fluffy white clouds, harp in hand, singing away.
The Bible urges us to take eternity seriously. It states clearly that there IS life after death. Life with God in Heaven or life away from God in Hell. Either way, eternity does exist. Your life, according to the Bible, is but a vapor. Some Bible translations use the word "smoke" or "fog". The allegory is that the few short years we live life on earth disappears quickly before we enter into eternity.
If that is our time on earth then it makes a lot of sense to take this puff of time and focus it on eternity. Where will you spend eternity? Sooner or later that is the question all of us must ask ourselves.
Life is Short. Eternity Isn't. - God